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Katy Kamkar, Ph.D., C.Psych

Board Member & Mental Health Advisor

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Dr. Kamkar is a Clinical Psychologist at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) in Toronto. She is an Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto. She is the Chair of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) Traumatic Stress Section; Chair of Global Law Enforcement and Public Health Association Inc. (GLEPHA), Health of Police/ First Responders.


Dr. Kamkar sits on the board of directors for Operation Lifesaver Canada and Canadian Juries Commission. She is a fellow and member of the Collaborative Center for Justice and Safety Advisory Council and is also the provincial mental health advisor for St. John Ambulance Ontario’s council.


Dr. Kamkar is a founding and credentialed member of the Canadian Association of Cognitive Behavioral Therapies (CACBT) and is within the Research and Psychology Advisory Committees of the Canadian Association Chiefs of Police (CACP).


She has been part of the Federal PTSD Act Advisory Committee, Public Health Agency of Canada, for the development of the PTSD Federal Framework and serves CAFI as a board member and mental health advisor. 


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